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Besides the physical limitations of your host machine off course. I know there's a limit of VM's you can run on a Windows Server R2 installation, depending on the version you're running. You have to go for Datacenter Edition to run unlimited machines. But is there such a limit on Windows 10 too? Kind regards,. I think that you're a bit confused here. There is, in Server R2, a limit of virtual machines per host, regardless of the edition. The limit, based on editions, is a licensing limit.

So, for example, with Server R2 Enterprise, you are licensed for 4 virtual machines, with Data Center, you have unlimited licenses. This is not a hard limit however, if you need to go over the 4 guest licenses on Enterprise you can simply purchase additional licenses. For Windows 10, since it is a client OS, there are zero built-in licenses. Every guest you run must be properly licensed. I really don't care about the points, marking it as an answer may help someone else with the same problem.

Thank you for your quick reply. I was confused indeed, I thought it was regarding a software-based limit. The original question was: I'm wondering if there's any limit on the numer of VM's you can run on Hyper-V under Windows Why is that a good idea? If I am searching today for this topic, I prefer to see updated information added.

I hate it that the world is spamming multiple threads on the same topic; makes searching for answers exponentially more difficult. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access.

Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows 10 Virtualization. Sign in to vote. Hi there! Kind regards, Sven van Rijen. Friday, September 18, AM.

Hi Paul, Thank you for your quick reply. It's clear to me now, thank you very much! Kind regards, Sven. Thank you for your post but in my mind, it didn't answer the question. Thanks much. Saturday, January 30, AM. I thought it was made quite clear that there is not built-in limit. How many vms you can run depends entirely on the CPU and memory capabilities of your host machine. Bill That's not true.

There is a hard coded limit of vms per host. The question was answered in my original post. Regardless of what host you're running, there is a limit of vms. Any non licensing limitations in client based Hyper-V built in in Windows 10? Like removed features or HW usage limitations? Tuesday, September 20, AM. This thread was answered a year ago. Please start a new thread for your question. Tuesday, November 21, PM. I agree with FrozenJames.

Also thanks to Paul Adare for giving us the answers. Thursday, August 15, PM.

